what is a general plan?

Utah Requires Every County and Municipality to Have a General Plan.

A general plan is a document which sets frameworks for the future growth and development of an area by identifying a collective community vision. The planning horizon for Sandy’s General Plan update is 2045.

The General Plan Must Include a Minimum of Four Elements:


1.   A Land Use Element that outlines how land is currently used and how it is intended to be used in the future

2.  A Transportation Element that identifies transportation systems and conditions

3.  A Moderate-Income Housing Element that highlights housing availability, conditions, and affordability

4. A Water Preservation Element that identifies land use-based strategies to reduce water usage

Other elements such as Parks and Trails, Arts and Culture, a Downtown Plan, and Commercial Revitalization may be included within the General Plan.

The General Plan supports neighborhoods and the community and will have tangible results for residents, businesses, and Sandy’s future.

Communities Plan For Many Different Reasons


Communities plan so they can guide growth, strengthen their economy, or identify needed public amenities and investment in ways consistent with community vision and goals. Planning identifies strategies to achieve community goals through local investments and policies related to land use, housing, transportation, and economic development, creating a livable and resilient future.

Good planning requires community engagement and participation to develop viable pathways for a better future. Successful planning can strengthen community and economic development while preserving a place’s spirit and what makes it special.