ABOUT the process

The Sandy General Plan Update will take twenty-two months.  From now through spring 2024, we will learn as much as we can about Sandy today – what’s working and what the challenges are and your vision and goals for the future. We want to hear your ideas for Sandy’s future. There are tools on this website for you to present your ideas and you can speak to us directly at upcoming community meetings. There is even an opportunity for you to email us and let us know how you would like to become more involved by serving on a committee or participating in a small group discussion.

2023 Summer/Fall

This summer we will ask for input and ideas on community values, vision, goals, and ideas for the future.  We will have maps, surveys, and other tools on this website for your ideas, thoughts, and comments.  The city will hold public open houses, be present at community events, and participate in meetings at key points during this 2-year process for you to see the plan’s development and make sure you’ve been heard correctly. The following graphic shows the “big ideas” that we have heard from the community over the course of our process. Let us know if you agree, disagree, or have any suggestions on what we are missing!

As the planning progresses, the materials and information we develop and use to support both citizen and elected official decision-making will be available here for you to access. This will include community data, maps, and reports from community events.

 This fall we will have a draft plan for review and will be looking for you to give us your feedback. 


Focus Area Planning

In addition to updating the city’s General Plan, this work will identify several locations that will benefit from more focused planning.  These areas include Sandy’s Station Areas and six commercial areas. The product of each focus area plan will identify opportunities and constraints within the project area, describe a preferred vision shared by the community, and provide strategic recommendations that may be pursued to help facilitate the implementation of the plan. 

Focus area planning will occur as part of the city-wide planning process and include visioning and planning workshops for residents, property owners, and businesses in the immediate area.  Public workshops were held in April to gather input on the Station Areas and Commercial Areas. The Strengths Weaknesses Opportunities and Threats (SWOT) diagrams below were filled out during the workshops to record feedback for each individual focus area. See what your community wrote below!